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7 ∫ΣΣ’Ë 1 §”Σ—°Σ“¬·≈–§”Õ”≈“ °“√Σ—°Σ“¬¢Õß欓∫“≈‡«√μà“ßÊ ‡«√‡™â“  «— ¥’μÕπ‡™â“§à– §ÿ≥¡“√åμ‘π «—ππÈ¥’Ÿ §ÿ≥ ¥™Ë◊π¢È÷ππ–§– ‡™â“πÈ√’⟠÷°‡ªìπÕ¬à“߉√∫â“ߧ– Õ“°“√ (ª«¥·º≈ ª«¥»’√…– ‰¢â ‡®Á∫Àπâ“Õ° oe≈oe) Σÿ‡≈“≈ß ∫â“߉À¡§– À¡“¬‡Àμÿ: §”∂“¡πÈ’ “¡“√∂„™â‰¥â°—∫ Σÿ°‡«√ Good morning Mr. Martin. Today, you look much better. How do you feel this morning? Have your (pain, headache, fever, chest pain, etc) gone away? Note: this question can be used for all shifts. ‡«√∫à“¬  «— ¥’μÕπ∫à“¬§à– §ÿ≥¡“√åμ‘π «—ππÈ√’⟠÷°¥’¢È÷π‰À¡ «—ππÈæ’—°ºÕàπ‰¥â∫â“߉À¡§– «—ππÈ’§ÿ≥Σ“πÕ“À“√‰¥â¡“° À√◊Õ‡ª≈à“ Good afternoon Mr. Martin. Today, do you feel better? Today, were you able to rest? Did you eat a lot today?

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