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ßà“¬Ê  ‰μ≈å欓∫“≈ 8 ‡«√¥÷° (°√≥’ºŸâªÉ«¬¬—߉¡àÀ≈—∫)  «— ¥’§à– §ÿ≥¡“√åμ‘π πË’¥÷°¡“°·≈⫧ÿ≥¬—߉¡àπÕπ ¡’Õ–‰√„À⥑©—π™à«¬À√◊Õ‡ª≈à“ §– æ—°ºàÕππ–§– ·≈â«æ∫°—π μÕπ‡™â“§à– √“μ√’ «— ¥‘Ï §à– Good evening Mr. Martin. Itûs late already. You are still awake. Can I help with anything? Please try to go to sleep and Iûll come to see you in the morning. Good night §”Õ”≈“ 欓∫“≈: ¬‘π¥’¥â«¬π–§– §ÿ≥ ¡“√μåπ‘ ‡™“âπÀÈ’≈ß—®“°Σ§Ë’≥ÿÀ¡Õ μ√«®‡¬’ˬ¡·≈â« §ÿ≥À¡ÕÕπÿ≠“μ „À§â≥ÿ°≈∫—∫“âπ‰¥·â≈«â§–à μÕππÈ’ §ÿ≥°Áæ√âÕ¡ΣË’®–°≈—∫∫â“ππ–§– §ÿ≥À¡Õ®—¥¬“„Àâ‰ªΣ“πμàÕΣË’ ∫â“𠥑©—π¢ÕÕπÿ≠“μ ÕΠ‘∫“¬ °“√„™â¬“π–§– 欓∫“≈ÕΠ‘∫“¬ °“√„™â¬“ ¥Ÿ∫ΣΣË ’2 Nurse: Good news Mr. Martin. After the doctor came and saw you this morning, he has agreed to discharge you from the hospital. So, now you are free to go home. The doctor is going to give you some medicine to take home with you. May I explain to you now

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